The Pure Water Monterey project provides a clean, safe and sustainable source of water for Monterey County. It emphasizes advanced water recycling technology, replenishment of the groundwater supply and protection of the environment.
Pure Water Monterey provides both purified potable water for domestic use, as well as a supply for irrigating one of the state’s most fertile agricultural areas in the Salinas Valley. The project is the first of its kind to utilize not just wastewater, but stormwater, food industry processing water, and impaired surface waters of the State. It is an environmentally sustainable solution for our area’s water supply problem.
Want to find out more about Pure Water Monterey? Check out this informative video!

Monterey One Water Chair Rudy Fisher and MPWMD Chair Andrew Clarke are joined by Jennifer West and Prabhakar Somavarapu of WateReuse CA at the 2018 Annual Conference