Public Participation

(Para informacion en Español llame al
(831) 645-4603 o (831) 422-1001)


Public Meeting: Monday, April 27, 2020

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Monterey One Water (M1W) has prepared a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR) for the Proposed Modifications to the Pure Water Monterey Groundwater Replenishment Project.

The Final Supplemental EIR is available online here.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and County and State shelter-in-place orders, hard copies of the Final SEIR will not be available for public viewing. If needed, please contact Rachel Gaudoin at or 831-645-4623 to arrange an appointment for pick-up of a CD of the document. The CD copy, or the file downloaded from the website, can be used to produce a hard copy at local printing stores. Online viewing is strongly encouraged to avoid unnecessary exposure to the public and M1W staff and to minimize environmental impacts.

A public meeting to consider certification of the Final Supplemental EIR will be held:

Monday, April 27, 2020 
The Board Meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. but Item 7C (Final SEIR) will not begin until 6:00 p.m. or later

Remote Meeting Held via Zoom Webinar
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 761036

Or Telephone: 669-900-9128
Webinar ID: 535 202 951 | Password: 761036

We encourage all participants to test your computer equipment before the meeting at this link:

Comments for the Board on this item can be emailed to Letters should be addressed to Chair Stefani and Monterey One Water Board of Directors with the following subject line “PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM 7C.” Comments must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 2020. All submitted comments will be provided to the Board of Directors and may be read into the record and will be compiled as part of the record. There will also be time during the Board meeting for the public to provide verbal comments.

Public Meeting: Thursday, December 12, 2019

A public meeting will be held to share information about the Draft Supplemental EIR and to     receive public comments:

Thursday December 12, 2019
Meeting begins at 5:30 PM
Oldemeyer Center
986 Hilby Avenue, Seaside, CA  93955

Spanish translation will be available

The public is encouraged to review and comment on the Draft Supplemental EIR. The Draft Supplemental EIR is available online at, by emailing, or by calling 831-645-4623


Notice of Availability – Draft Supplemental EIR – Nov 7 2019

Main Body of M1W Draft Supplemental EIR – Nov 7 2019

Public Scoping Meeting:
The public is encouraged to review and comment on the scope of environmental issues as well as mitigation measures which should be explored in the Draft Supplemental EIR. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) describing the project concept is available online at,
by emailing,
or by calling 831-645-4623

A public scoping meeting will be held:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Oldemeyer Center
Blackhorse Meeting Room
986 Hilby Avenue
Seaside, CA 93955

NOP Press Release – 5/16/19

Monterey One Water

For ongoing M1W project planning and status updates please check the M1W Board of Directors’ monthly Board Meeting and Recycled Water Committee Agendas and Minutes or contact Chayito Ibarra, Executive Assistant to the Board at (831) 645-4603 or email her at

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

For information on project partnership updates, visit the MPWMD online at or call:  (831) 644-9560.

California-American Water Company

For public meeting schedules for California American Water  Co.’s Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project, please visit their website at or call (831) 646-3287.

More Information

Contact, Arlene Tavani, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. Phone:  (831) 658-5652

Email List

Join our email list to receive timely information via email.