Author Archives: PWM

Notice of Availability of an Addendum to the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Expanded Pure Water Monterey/Groundwater Replenishment Project

See Reports & Documents

  • Notice of Availability of an Addendum to the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Expanded Pure Water Monterey/Groundwater Replenishment Project (November 12, 2021)
  • Addendum to the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Expanded Pure Water Monterey/Groundwater Replenishment Project (November 2021)

Draft Supplemental EIR

Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental EIR for Proposed Modifications to the PWM/GWR Project

Public Review: Nov 7 – Jan 31, 2020  (Extended from Dec 23, 2019)

Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental EIR for Proposed Modifications to the PWM/GWR Project:

Notice of Availability – Draft Supplemental EIR – Nov 7 2019

Draft Supplemental EIR:

Main Body of M1W Draft Supplemental EIR – Nov 7 2019

Appendices to the Draft Supplemental EIR:

Appendices to M1W Draft Supplemental EIR 11 7 2019

References for Draft Supplemental EIR

References for Draft Supplemental EIR


Photos of existing facilities with space for an expansion

Public Meeting: December 12, 2019

Meeting begins at 5:30 PM
Oldemeyer Center
986 Hilby Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955

Pure Water Monterey Wins WateReuse CA Award

Monterey One Water Chair Rudy Fisher and MPWMD Chair Andrew Clarke join Monterey One Water GM Paul Scuito and representatives of WateReuse CA at the Annual Conference

Pure Water Monterey has been honored with the WateReuse Association of California’s Medium Agency of the Year Award.  The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD)  along with project partner Monterey One Water was presented the award at the Association’s 2018 Annual Conference.

The WateReuse Association is a nationally recognized industry advocacy group that promotes the development and expansion of water reuse, recharge and purification projects in North America. The Medium Agency of the year award recognizes projects and their agencies that produce between 1,000 and 5,000 acre-feet of beneficial reuse per year. The Pure Water Monterey Project will begin delivery of 3.500 acre feet of purified water in mid to late 2019.



Revised Pure Water Monterey Engineering Report Released

With the realization that additional source waters from the Marina Coast Water District were available to bring into the Advanced Water Purification Facility, the Final Pure Water Monterey Engineering Report has been updated to include the expansion of the current 4 Million Gallon per Day (MGD) plant to a 5 MGD plant.

Revised Final Pure Water Monterey Engineering Report

Revised Final Pure Water Monterey Engineering Report Appendices Part I

Revised Final Pure Water Monterey Engineering Report Appendices Part II

Revised Draft Engineering Report Available

For the project to begin operations, MRWPCA must obtain a number of permits from the State. One of these is a groundwater replenishment permit issued by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water (DDW). As part of the process to obtain this RWQCB permit, on January 29, 2016, MWRPCA submitted a draft Engineering Report to DDW for approval and to the RWQCB for review. The draft report provides information about the project and how it complies with public health and water quality regulations. On April 15, 2016, DDW provided comments on the initial draft Engineering Report. MRWPCA revised and submitted a revised draft Engineering Report on May 25, 2016. On July 1, 2016, DDW sent a letter to MRWPCA that stated the Revised Draft Engineering Report was ready for posting for a public hearing with one minor text edit.   The Revised Draft Engineering Report, dated July 1, 2016, is available here for viewing.

The other steps for issuance of the RWQCB permit include the following activities. MRWPCA will provide updates as the project advances through these steps.

Step 1. The DDW and the RWQCB will review the draft Engineering Report and may provide MRWPCA with comments or questions. When the regulatory comments/questions have been resolved to the satisfaction of the regulators, MRWPCA will prepare a final draft report. This step was completed July 1, 2016.

Step 2. MRWPCA will hold a public hearing for the project on August 22, 2016 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Information on the project is currently available to the public for review 30 days before the hearing, including the hearing notification, information that will be provided at the hearing, and the final draft Engineering report. A public notice was posted in the “Legal Notices” section of the Classifieds (page B5) in the Monterey Herald Newspaper on July 19, 2016 and sent by U.S. Mail to all owners of wells located within the Seaside Groundwater Basin boundary. Public comments will be accepted at the public hearing and during a 10-day public comment period following the hearing.  Specifically, comments may be submitted in writing through September 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM.

Step 3. Based on comments received during the hearing or comment period, MRWPCA will finalize the Engineering Report for submittal to the DDW and RWQCB.

Step 4. The DDW will send a letter to the RWQCB recommending that the RWQCB issue a permit for the project as well as any permit conditions that DDW recommends for inclusion in the permit.

Step 5. The RWQCB will issue a tentative permit for public review and comment, and will provide a public comment period of approximately 30 days. The RWQCB will hold a public hearing on the tentative permit for consideration of adoption by its Board.

This entry was posted in News & Announcements on July 20, 2016 by PWM.